I loved visiting his office.His optimism always invigorated my day. The atmosphere was inviting and I felt like I was in a Cheers episode. Whenever I called the office, they always answered the phone “Hey Ms. Moore”. They have caller id but it still felt so personal.
Unlike other therapy offices, I actually saw Doc everyday. It was amazing watching someone follow their passion and build a career from it. His patients definitely feel the love (I did!)
During my appointments, we chatted about everything including: my latest boyfriend to Smart Cars vs Fiats and his colorful sneaker collection. Typically these exchanges would include me asking him about the practice’s (non-existent) marketing and social media strategy.
I am a product of social media so when I find a business that I love I want the world to know. What faster way to do it than through Facebook, Twitter and the other usual suspects.
Long story short, Doc hired me 2 weeks later as his marketing/patient quality consultant. I blogged, facebook'd and worked on plans to expand the practice. I met with lawyers and their paralegals over company paid breakfast and lunch as an attempt to win their clients. I did all the things that he claimed he was too busy to do. I wasn’t selling Doc. I was selling myself.
As the weeks past, I started to feel like a cheap whore. He was putting me on the block to work for him; while, he sat back and collected the spoils of my labor. I was paid a salary and bonuses, yet; I began to dread my position as a professional “schmoozer”.
I was wasting valuable time away from with my own business.
Back in 2009, I read Bullsh*t or Fertilizer by Pierre Bennu. I bought 3 copies for myself and my bff’s. In the book Bennu, discusses active procrastination. Active procrastination is when you make excuses from pursuing your dreams i.e. I need to keep this horrible stressful job so I can pay for x, y, z then and only then can I start working on ___________ (my dream business).
Yah, yah, yah...all excuses.
Enough was enough. I decided to take the bull by the horns.
I had a conversation with Doc, then followed up with a sweet resignation letter:
Hi Doc,
After long consideration, I have come to the decision that I am no longer able to provide marketing services for your practice.
I feel that my efforts should be more focused on building my own business; instead, of marketing for someone else.
I appreciate the experience. I believe that you are much better suited to market your own business than me. You are 100% invested in your brand; whereas, I have my own obligations.I wish nothing but continued success for you!
Then I chucked the *deuces*! Hee hee!...no love lost but I have to get my own business in order. Set your priorities. Don't be allured by fast money and titles. Work hard, do good work, stay focused and your time will come.
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